As the opioid epidemic continues to dominate the United States, many pharmacies have begun disposing unused pills with a shredder. The safe and secure procedure is meant to destroy any chance of someone abusing the pills long after they were prescribed. Pharmacies in Ohio and Florida are leading the initiative, but hope that other states will follow suit.
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Strewn across the floor of a bathroom, medication bottles are hard to avoid. The pills that are still unused will often end up in the hands of children, which could lead to an accidental overdose or even death. Pharmacies are taking measures to combat this issue by using shredders to destroy unused pills. This is done by using a machine which can turn medication into small pieces and then vacuum them up.
Some pharmacies are using shredders to destroy unused pills. Sometimes, a prescription will be filled with too many doses, or a patient might not need the entire medication that they were prescribed. This is where the shredder comes into play, it can destroy unused pills. The machine provides a safe and easy way to dispose of excess medications.