Pharmaceutical waste is a major problem for the pharmaceutical industry. It is estimated that the costs of dealing with the disposal of this waste are as high as $30 billion annually. The best solution for this problem might be shredding equipment. Find out why you should consider a pharmaceutical waste shredding machine for your business.
What are the benefits of pharmaceutical waste shredding equipment?
Pharmaceutical shredding equipment uses shredder technology to remove hazardous waste and recycles it into useful materials, thus reducing the amount of waste in landfills. In addition, pharmaceutical shredders help minimize chemical reactions that could lead to fires and explosions by preventing combustible materials from coming in contact with each other. Here are some other benefits of having a pharmaceutical waste shredding machine:
– Reduction in time and labor
– Elimination of materials that are not regulated and should not be disposed of as waste
– Reduces risks associated with chemical reactions from hazardous material
– Minimizes fire and explosion risks

Get control of your pharmaceutical waste today
The pharmaceutical industry is faced with a daunting task–the disposal of significant amounts of waste. It’s estimated that the costs of dealing with this waste is as high as $30 billion annually, which is more than the total annual revenue from all US-based companies on the Fortune 500 list.
Shredding equipment is one solution to this problem. There are many benefits to using shredding machine for your business, including improved safety and increased productivity. This article will cover how you can get control over your pharmaceutical waste and why you should consider shredding equipment.
The types of pharmaceutical waste shredders you need
There are two primary types of pharmaceutical waste shredders: “pulverizers” and “shredding machines.”
A pulverizer is a type of drug crusher that pulverizes the raw materials, like tablets and capsules, into small granules. This is helpful for disposing of pills with a high moisture content because it reduces the amount of time it takes to break down these materials. The other type of shredder is a shredding machine. Shredders work by cutting pharmaceutical waste into smaller pieces or by grinding the material into powder.
Both types of devices are able to handle large quantities of pharmaceutical waste efficiently, but they both have different limitations. Pulverizers are limited in their ability to handle a high moisture content in the product and will not work with capsules or tablets made from hard materials like wax or plastic. Shredding machines can handle any form of pharmaceutical waste, including those made from hard substances, but will take longer to complete processing than pulverizers.
Which type of device is right for you? To find out which one works best for your company’s needs, contact us today!
Considerations when choosing a shredding machine for your business
If you’re looking for a shredding machine for your pharmaceutical business, there are many considerations to make. For example, do you want a chipper or mill? What about throughput rates?
Below, we’ll help you find the best solution for your needs.
Pharmacies are an integral part of every community, providing patients with vital medications. Unfortunately, they’re also a common source of unwanted pharmaceutical waste, which can be harmful to the environment.
Fortunately, there is an easy solution to this problem: pharmaceutical waste shredding machines. These machines will process the pharmaceutical waste so that it can be disposed of safely and used as a resource for new drugs and chemicals.