It’s no secret that the healthcare industry produces a significant amount of medical waste. This includes objects such as syringes, needles, and other medical equipment that may be infectious to humans and animals – not to mention the drugs themselves. This makes proper disposal difficult and often results in contamination and environmental degradation. Fortunately, there may be a solution: pharmaceutical shredding.

Pharmaceutical shredding has been around since the early 2000s, but now more than ever, it is being seen as the future of medical waste disposal. A pharmaceutical shredder can be used to break down pills and other pharmaceuticals into small particles that are no longer recognizable. The benefit of this over traditional disposal methods is that there is no chance for anyone to use or utilize them for their own personal gain.
Pharmaceutical shredding is the process of decomposing pharmaceuticals into small particles that are then discharged into air, water, or soil. The United States Environment Protection Agency states that pharmaceuticals are not completely decomposed when they are discharged into air, water, or soil. Studies have also shown that other organisms can be harmed by pharmaceuticals in our environment. Pharmaceutical shredding is an alternative for this problem.